Whenever you read about insulation, the topic of insulation R-values is usually mentioned. If you’re not familiar with these, don’t worry because most people aren’t. As a respected insulation services provider, we talk about this almost every day. Here is what you need to know about insulation R-values.
- The Definition of R-Values. According to energystar.gov, R-values measure an insulation’s ability to withstand the heat that travels through it – how well it prevents heat from escaping, in other words. Higher insulation R-values mean better thermal performance.
- What R-Value Does Fiberglass Batting Insulation Have? Fiberglass batting insulation has an R-value of 2.9 to 3.8 per inch. Rockwool has a similar value, of 3.0 to 3.3 per inch. In warm climates, it’s recommended that attics have a minimum R-value of 3.0; this value can be twice as high in colder areas.
- How Thick Should My Batting Insulation Be? ENERGY STAR® has a map showing the U.S. divided up into different zones according to recommended insulation R-values. Florida is in Zone 2, one of the warmest parts of the country. The recommended thickness for fiberglass batt insulation in warm climates is 11 to 14 inches, and 13 to 17 inches for moderate climates.
- Do I Need Insulation? All homes should be properly insulated for energy efficiency, but there are other reasons why it’s needed. Besides keeping in the heat, insulation also keeps out moisture, pests, and sound and resists fire.
To learn more about insulation R-values and find out which insulation is best for your needs, call us today.