Our team at Polk County Insulation has extensive experience in the insulation industry, and we have helped countless people address their insulation needs over the years. In our experience, one thing that tends to confuse people when it comes to insulation is the term “R-values.”
While most people understand enough to know this term has to do with energy efficiency in some way, few have a clear idea of the whole picture. In this article, our team will provide a more detailed explanation of what insulation R-values are and how they work so you can make the right choice for your insulation needs.
Defining Insulation R-Values
The R in R-values stands for resistance, as in how much resistance the insulation has to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the better the insulation is able to resist heat flow, meaning less heat will be able to transfer across its barrier.
Where it Gets Complicated
While the above explanation is simple enough, it is not the whole story of insulation R-values. The matter is more complicated than that, as the assigned R-value refers to heat resistance per inch of depth—i.e., one inch of an insulating material can block X much heat energy. In other words, you could get the same result by installing one inch of R60 insulation or two inches of R30 insulation.
How to Choose Insulation Based on R-Values
With all this in mind, choosing the right insulation can be somewhat tricky, at least if you go by insulation R-values alone. The best way to make sure you get the best insulation for your needs is to consult an insulation expert on the matter.