Common Misconceptions About Insulation

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Our team at Polk County Insulation has been installing insulation for many years, and we have extensive knowledge about this type of product and how it works. In our time, we have encountered many misconceptions about insulation, and we want to do our part to help correct these misunderstandings. In this article, we will go over a few of the most common misconceptions or myths about insulation and provide the correct information you need to make the right choices for your home or building.

Common Misconceptions About Insulation

  • Myth #1: Insulation Only Matters in the Winter- One incorrect belief that many people hold about insulation is that all it does is keep your home warm, which would mean that insulation only matters during the winter months. This is not correct, as insulation also helps to keep unwanted heat out during the summer and is therefore important for keeping your home comfortable throughout the year.
  • Myth #2: You Don’t Need to Replace Your Insulation- While insulation is designed to last for many years or even decades, it will eventually need to be replaced. If your current insulation is over 20 years old, there’s a significant chance that it has become much less effective. In addition, if your home suffers any water damage, develops a mold problem, or becomes infested with termites, you should have your insulation inspected to check its condition and determine whether you should replace it.
  • Myth #3: Upgrading Your Insulation Isn’t Worth It- In most cases, upgrading your insulation is actually a great long-term investment, as it will help prevent passive heat transfer and thus make it easier for your HVAC system to maintain a comfortable temperature. This in turn will save you money on your energy bills, so much that your upgrade will pay for itself.