Top Signs You Need Attic Insulation

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Are you considering getting your attic insulated, but you’re not sure if it’s the right choice? Getting your attic insulated is never a bad idea, and there comes a point when it’s necessary. Here are the top signs that you need insulation in your attic:

  • High Utility Bills – Are you suffering from high utility bills? High utilities are a sign of poor insulation in your home. Did you know you can save anywhere from 9-14% on your utility bills by adding attic insulation? This is an investment that will save you money in the long run.

Top Signs You Need Attic Insulation

  • Inconsistent Temperature From Room to Room – Are there certain rooms in your house that are warmer or cooler than others and you’re not sure why? An attic that goes uninsulated can result in uneven temperatures throughout your home and has a hard time regulating heat.
  • You Feel Drafts – Air that comes in through the attic can create drafts and breezes in your home, which can make it chilly and uncomfortable. Insulation in your attic can reduce the amount of air that comes in.
  • Icicles Are Forming on Your Roof – Do you notice a lot of icicles on your roof? While icicles may look pretty, they can be dangerous, and they indicate a problem in your insulation. In the winter, heat will rise in your home, and if your attic has inadequate or no insulation, it can cause snow on top of your roof to melt, drain to the gutters, and then freeze and create icicles.

We hope these signs will help you determine if you are in need of attic insulation. If you have any questions regarding attic insulation, please contact us at Polk County Insulation today!