3 Reasons to Get Blow-in Attic Insulation as Soon as Possible

Polk County Insulation > Home Insulation Blog > 3 Reasons to Get Blow-in Attic Insulation as Soon as Possible

If your home is like most homes in the Polk County area (and most of the country, actually), then chances are good that your home does not have enough insulation. Most insulation is installed in a minimal level to keep your home from freezing, not necessarily enough to keep your heating and cooling costs low and your home at a more even temperature. At Polk County Insulation, we are striving to change this with an easy solution: blow-in attic insulation. There are many reasons to choose blow-in attic insulation as soon as possible, but here are just a few of them:

3 Reasons to Get Blow-in Attic Insulation as Soon as Possible

  • Fiberglass insulation advances. Fiberglass insulation is known to be itchy and harsh, but there have been so many advances in fiberglass insulation just within the recent history that this is no longer a concern. It won’t make your skin itch anymore and hasn’t decreased in quality with new formulations.
  • Easy installation. When you choose blow-in insulation, you are getting a great product that will give you nearly immediate results. Not only will you feel more comfortable, but you’ll also enjoy seeing a dramatic decrease in the cost of your power bill.

 3 Reasons to Get Blow-in Attic Insulation as Soon as Possible

  • Air quality certified. Our blow-in attic insulation is air quality certified, meaning that you won’t have a lot of stray fibers floating through the air as potential irritants. Our methods are clean and safe enough that we install our blow-in attic insulation in schools and hospitals.

We would love to tell you more about your insulation options. To learn more about blow-in attic insulation, give us a call!